With a real GDP rate growth of 4-7% 2015-2020 is India still a market worthwhile, and can it be considered an emerging market as a prospect or to have already invested in India. Although on one hand India is accepted as a very attractive market, there are several challenges that pose high barriers for entry. Infrastructure, especially the shortage of electricity supply is a critical concern. Urban planning is problematic with constraints in transportation, sanitation, hotel accommodation, and many other factors such as import barriers. How do you establish yourself favorably in a country that experiences economic growth but has an unstable foundation to build your business upon. All these factors confront the value chain and perhaps also the brand value chain of a company.
- Considering all the stakeholders that must be attended to when entering the market, who are the most vital stakeholders when deciding upon the strategic positioning of the company and its products?
- Where is it necessary to reassess our (brand) value chain before entering the market? E.g.
- in terms of current product standards vs. the standard, since one might be ‘forced’ to have in India?
- in terms of supplying given the import barriers?
- in terms of brand name, given that you might be delivering your products based on another standard of materials.
- in terms of organizational commitment to the adjustments